Christmas in 2020

(L to R: Dismas House Staff Member Mike; Dismas House Staff Member George; Paula Migliore, Director of Transitional Houses and Vincentian Services Advisor; Resident alumni Jackat the 2020 Christmas celebration. )

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” –John 16:33

When men graduate from the Dismas House program, rarely do they walk through the doors for good. Our program is designed to not only equip our residents with the tools they need to successfully reenter society, but to develop lifelong friendships with the staff and their fellow residents.

Mike and George, both staff members at Dismas House, share a special connection with our residents. Prior to becoming employees of SVDPLI, they too were residents. Mike entered Dismas House after learning about it from our Vincentians at Queen of the Most Holy Rosary Church in Roosevelt. During his time as in the program, Mike attended 12-step meetings and worked in a nearby store. But what became immediate to Mike was the incredible comradery he began to develop with his fellow residents and the staff. Once he completed his stay, Mike became a full-time staff member himself. He regularly attends mass at Queen of the Most Holy Rosary, in gratitude to those who started him along his path to recovery. Similarly, George utilized his time as a resident to earn his driver’s license and learn how to bank electronically, discovering how drastically life had changed during his time in prison. Before long, he became a mentor to his fellow residents, and joined the staff upon completion of the program. Together, both men are the voice of experience at Dismas House, showing residents how change is possible, and that recovery and independence can be achieved through a safe, structured environment.