What We Do

We Help People….by offering person-to-person services. No work of charity is foreign to the Society.

When someone is in need and they call the Society of St. Vincent de Paul for help, the first step is to schedule a home visit in which two trained Vincentian volunteers meet with the family and explore their needs.

The Home Visit

You never know what problems exist behind closed doors.

The “home visit” is a foundational service that enables families to receive assistance in the privacy of their own home. This practice is the defining symbol of Vincentian commitment and demonstrates the utmost respect for those we serve.

SVDPLI reaches beyond the limited scope of traditional social services and into the hearts of those seeking aid by allowing people to confide their stories of struggle in the comfort of their own homes. We meet people where they are. We’ve found that embracing the humanity of both Vincentian and recipient provides the best platform for assistance and stability.

Often times, a home visit will reveal a family’s true needs, which are usually much greater than their initial request. Vincentians have visited homes in which the mother or father may ask for help with utilities to keep the power on; however, during their evaluation, they might discover that the family also needs food, winter clothes for their children and a dinner table.

The home visit enables Vincentians to further understand the circumstances surrounding a request, but also allows them to develop a relationship with the family.